Goodthink Associates Consulting, Strategy & Communications Tue, 10 Aug 2021 19:30:17 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Brand Communications: What is it and Why Should You Care? Tue, 10 Aug 2021 19:30:17 +0000 What is brand communications? It’s a question that many people are asking, and the answer to this question can be different depending on who you ask. The best way to think about it is as “the process of managing an organization’s public image.” Brand communications involve marketing campaigns, advertising strategies, and customer service. Utilizing these three things together will help your company build its brand. When customers contact it, they feel like they know something about the company before ever coming into contact with employees or products.

What is Brand Communications?

Brand communications involve marketing campaigns, advertising strategies, and customer service.” This statement summarizes what brand communication actually entails. It’s about understanding how to establish connections between people who are looking at your company and those who are working internally on behalf of your firm. These connections need to have an emotional thread running through them to mean something to each person involved in this relationship – whether it’s the consumer or someone within the organization itself!

Companies need to work on their brand communications because it helps the company maintain a positive public image. It also increases customer trust and creates more loyal customers. Customers can tell if a company is reputable or not simply by looking at how they present themselves, so taking time out of your day to focus on your brand is something that will prove fruitful in the long run.

Why Should You Care About Brand Communications?

Brand communications should matter because consumers want personalities; savvy businesses understand how important this connection between consumer and business is – both for their own success and the success of their customers.

The process of marketing can be difficult for many businesses because it is a never-ending cycle. Still, you will find more success in your business endeavors by communicating with customers and creating relationships that span beyond one transaction or purchase.

What Does Brand Communications Entail?

The process of brand communications is a series of events that happen to help people know your company.

Brand communication has three primary functions: it builds relationships with consumers, increases customer loyalty, and helps maintain a positive public image for the organization. Brand communication is about understanding how to establish connections between people who are looking at your company and those who are working internally on behalf of your firm. These connections need to have an emotional thread running through them to mean something to each person involved in this relationship – whether it’s the consumer or someone within the organization itself!

Building Relationships With Consumers

Companies need to work on their brand communications because it helps the company maintain a positive public image. It also increases customer trust and creates more loyal customers. Customers can tell if a company is reputable or not simply by looking at how they present themselves, so taking time out of your day to focus on your brand is something that will prove fruitful in the long run.

Increases Loyalty From Consumers

Brand communication should matter because consumers want personalities; savvy businesses understand how important this connection between consumer and business is – both for their own success and the success of their customers.

Maintain a Positive Public Image

The process of marketing can be difficult for many businesses because it is a never-ending cycle. Still, you will find more success in your business endeavors by communicating with customers and creating relationships that span beyond one transaction or purchase.

From marketing campaigns and advertising strategies all the way down to customer service, there are many ways you can work on developing your brand communications skills. The key is to identify which aspects of the process you need help with and then take steps in that direction.

What Are Some Examples of Brand Communications?

There are two main types of brand communication: internal communications and external communications. Internal communication comes from employees to other employees, while the external side occurs through advertisements, marketing campaigns, customer service initiatives, etc.

Internal Communication

This type includes memos about new policies coming down at work and messages between co-workers on what they accomplished yesterday! It’s important to have these conversations internally, so everyone knows what’s going on within the company without having too much confusion.

External Communication

External communications include advertisements, marketing campaigns, and customer service initiatives designed to help the company reach out to those who aren’t currently customers or are not even aware of your brand.

It’s all about making sure you’re positively reaching as many people because there is nothing worse than when an organization decides they don’t care what people think anymore! This can lead to more problems down the line for both employees (who might want to leave) and consumers (who will take their business elsewhere).

This type of communication also helps create connections between someone inside the company and someone outside of it since these interactions happen through social media sites. It doesn’t just have to be about public relations – it can also be about connecting with those already in the company.

How to Use Brand Communications?

The best way for a business to use their brand communication is through social media platforms, but there’s always more than one way! The key is really focusing on what platform will make sense given your industry and target audience. For example, if you’re in retail and looking to reach out globally, using sites like Facebook or Instagram might work better. If you’re trying to connect with an older customer base, LinkedIn may be a good place for these conversations. At the same time, Twitter would likely appeal primarily to younger people or professionals.

It ultimately depends on where your focus lies within your organization because every business does things differently. It’s about finding the right mix of conversations that will not only help grow your business but also attract those who may be interested in joining.

How Can You Increase Your Brand Communications Skills?

The first step would be to assess how well your organization is currently performing. What are some areas where they could work on improving their skillset? Maybe it’s time for a new campaign or revamping old ones, maybe there needs to be more customer service training, or they need better strategic thinking when it comes to advertising campaigns.

Does this sound like something you might want to do? If so, start by taking an honest look at yourself and identifying any weaknesses in your current brand communications strategy! Once those have been identified, plan out a game plan about how you will address the issue.

You might want to look at taking a few courses in marketing, customer service, or strategic thinking if you feel like your organization needs some help with those areas of brand communications. You can also create an action plan for addressing these weaknesses and making them stronger – this is a great way to get the ball rolling on being able to improve!

Final Thoughts On Branding

Brand communications can be confusing, but this article should have clarified what it entails. A lot goes into making sure that people know who you are as an organization before touching any other part of your business model, which means working hard on promoting messages through various mediums, whether these messages come from marketing campaigns, advertising strategies, or customer service.

To improve your brand communications skills, you need to identify where the weaknesses lay and plan how you will go about addressing those issues. The point is that by taking care of these things before moving on to other aspects of your business model, they will be stronger and more successful in the long run!

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Risk Advisory Consulting: What It Is and Things to Consider When Choosing a Firm Tue, 10 Aug 2021 18:47:31 +0000 Many businesses want to know how they can minimize their risks regarding things like fraud, security breaches, cyber-security, and more. Hence, they turn to professional services for help. Risk advisory consultants have been around for quite some time now, which makes them experts on the subject matter who offer advice on how companies can reduce these types of events from taking place and know about any penalties or punishments an organization.

Risk advisory consulting is an integral part of the risk management process. It has been around for many years and offers a variety of benefits to companies. Risk advisory consulting firms can offer expertise in fraud, security breaches, cyber-security, etc. There are several things that you need to know before choosing a firm.

What Is Risk Advisory Consulting?

The first thing that you should know about risk advisory consulting is what it actually entails. Simply put, these firms specialize in helping organizations and businesses manage their risks by providing them with expert advice on how they can do so more effectively.

Benefits Of Risk Advisory Consulting

There are many benefits of risk advisory consulting. For example, these firms can offer expertise in fraud, security breaches, cyber-security, and more. Risk advisory consultants can help organizations identify potential risks or hazards that could lead to a loss of business and formulate plans for reducing the likelihood of this happening. These experts also know what penalties will be imposed on an organization if it fails to act appropriately when faced with an emergency like a natural disaster striking or a pandemic breakout.

What To Consider When Choosing A Firm?

There is no one-size-fits-all approach when considering which firm you want to use for your company’s needs, so here are some things you need to consider before making any final decisions.

What is the cost?

Pricing can vary dramatically, and it’s important to find out how much your company will be charged for services.

Are they qualified?

You must verify whether or not a firm has the right qualifications, skill set, and experience for this type of work and any other inquiries about their history in providing consulting services.

Do they have a good reputation?

In addition to screening firms on credentials, there are some additional research points, such as customer reviews, that you should consider before deciding which one is best suited for your needs. Use these tips when making an informed decision to get what you need from risk advisory consulting.

What do they bring to the table?

Risk advisory consulting firms are often hired to do a complete assessment of the risks that an organization faces and provide recommendations on how they can mitigate those risks. They also work with organizations that want to improve their risk management practices or develop new ones for certain types of hazards. The firm will typically assist in designing policies and procedures based on its findings during the investigation phase. These consultants may have experience in various fields such as finance, insurance, engineering, law enforcement, etc., so no matter what type of hazard your company is facing, there’s likely someone at one of these firms who has seen it before and knows what needs to be done about it. This is especially helpful when dealing with complex issues where specialized knowledge outside just risk management is required.

They Help Reduce Liability

Another benefit of working with a risk advisory firm, especially if they have experience in your industry or sector, is that it can help to reduce liability. This will be important to any company as lawsuits are becoming more prevalent and costly than ever before. Just the fear of litigation could discourage some organizations from taking certain risks that may turn out well for them in the end. When an organization has someone on their side who understands all aspects of what’s at stake when it comes to potential liabilities, then oftentimes there’s less risk involved because they know how best to protect themselves legally, which helps reduce exposure significantly.

Final Thoughts

There are many different reasons why you may need to consult with a risk advisory consulting firm. Regardless of the reason, you must choose a company with experience in this area and provide what your organization needs.

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Emerging-Market Consumers: An Analysis of the Current Trend Wed, 28 Jul 2021 20:48:27 +0000 The world is becoming increasingly interconnected. As the global population becomes more and more connected, it’s not just information that is being exchanged – but also culture. One of the most interesting examples of this phenomenon has been the rise in emerging market consumers. These are people who have grown up in countries where modern conveniences like electricity, running water, and automobiles were unavailable for many years. In recent decades, these markets have become highly lucrative because they represent a huge chunk of potential new customers for multinational corporations across all industries; however, there is no standard definition to define an “emerging market consumer“.

The New Consumer

Goodthink Associates-Emerging Market Consumers

The rise of these markets, coupled with the lack of information and understanding about them has led to misconceptions that are both harmful and inaccurate. These consumers might be thought of as being uneducated or poor because they live in areas where cash is necessary; however, this couldn’t be further from the truth – many have found a way to “leapfrog” by skipping past landlines for cellphones, for example. They may also not have had access to certain goods before but due to their newfound economic stability (or even prosperity) now can afford items like cars or computers.

This misunderstanding has created significant challenges when it comes time to market products and services towards these new customers who don’t yet know how Western corporations work. It’s important for corporations to take the time and invest in understanding these markets before deciding that they’re not worth their investment.


This is a great example of how globalization has created new opportunities for corporations but also requires them to be more aware than ever when it comes to diverse populations. Activities like this are necessary if we want our world to become one big, interconnected circle where all people have access to what they need without money or proximity being an obstacle.

The internet has made us much closer than ever before – it’s now up to each individual corporation on whether they’ll use this opportunity for good or evil.

Lastly, as emerging-market consumers continue growing into the future, so will their socioeconomic significance!

International Markets: What Do They Look Like?

The global economy is at a crossroads. Economies across the globe are slowing down, and growth rates in emerging markets have slowed as well. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) estimates that only two of fourteen major economies will grow faster than China’s next year—Japan and India. In 2016, Japan’s GDP grew by 0.75% while India’s increased by roughly seven percent; it was up about 12%. As for China, its rate has dropped to six percent from over nine percent last year.[I] Over recent years, there had been an intense focus on “emerging market consumers”—those who were purchasing more goods or services. Research has shown that these consumers are growing in numbers and their purchasing power is increasing.

Emerging-Market Consumers: An Analysis of the Current Trend

Understanding the current trend of emerging-market consumers How they’re changing with time and becoming more important in our globalized world, as well as what advantages do they bring (and disadvantages) when it comes down to business opportunities for corporations.

What Do These Consumers Look Like?

Emerging markets are becoming increasingly valuable for companies, as they represent a growing number of consumers and an increasing amount of income. The McKinsey Quarterly found that from 2005-2015 emerging economies accounted for two-thirds of all the world’s middle-class growth. These countries also account for about one-third of global GDP, according to Goldman Sachs Group Inc.

The perception is often that these markets just export raw materials or provide cheap labor in factories making products destined for richer nations, but this is changing with those living in developing countries gaining purchasing power more quickly than their counterparts elsewhere on earth. One example: China has been paying out pensions since 1997 when it introduced its rural pension scheme (later renamed “New Socialist Countryside” by Deng Xiaoping). The rural population is still largely agricultural, but they’re gradually moving to urban areas in search of better opportunities.

This Trend Will Continue to Rise

This trend will continue as these economies grow and populations age. In 2030 the percentage of consumers over 50 years old in developing regions will be nearly double that of developed countries, according to a report by McKinsey & Company’s Global Institute. This means companies need to start thinking about how this growing middle class influences their marketing campaigns for different products and services such as healthcare or retirement planning, which are already considered more expensive than traditional Western markets.

Companies from all industries should also take into account demographic trends when creating advertising strategies; considerations like gender roles can change with an increase in education levels or changing economic dynamics within families.

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